Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Factors Influencing Agriculture

Factors Influencing Agriculture

Natural Factors


All forms of agriculture are controlled largely by temperature. Areas deficient in heat are deficient in agriculture. For that is one element of climate that man has not been able to create at economic costs on a large scale. Temperature deter­mines the growth of vegetation through determining the length of the vegetative period.

Successful agriculture, therefore, requires a fairly long summer. In higher latitudes, however, the shortness of summer is compensated by the longer duration of the day. The total amount of heat received is enough for ripening of crops.

In lower latitudes where the winters are never too cold to arrest the growth of vegetation, practically the whole year is the growing period, and the agricultural operations are timed according to the supply of rainfall.

The moisture requirements of the plant vary according to the heat received. In the higher latitudes, where the summers are not very hot or where the winds are not dry, the amount of moisture given out by plant transpiration is less than in the lower latitudes where the heat received is great and the capacity of the winds to suck up moisture considerable.

The plants, therefore, require less moisture in the temperate regions than in the tropical regions. Thus, a certain amount of precipi­tation may be sufficient for flourishing agriculture in the temperate regions, while the same may not suffice for meager agriculture in the tropical regions.


A rich soil in plant food is the chief requirement of successful agriculture. It is essential as a support for plants, and as the main medium whereby water and all plant foods, except carbon dioxide, are brought to the roots of the plants where they are absorbed. Soils that are poor, either chemically or in texture, have low productivity, both in amount and variety.


Topography affects agriculture as it relates to soil erosion, difficulty of tillage and poor transportation facilities. Mechanization of agriculture depends entirely on the topography of land. On rough, hilly lands, the use of agricultural machinery is impossible.

In areas where the pressure on soil is great, even the slopes of mountains are terraced into small farms to provide agricultural land. In China, farm terraces may be seen clinging to hillsides to a height of several thousand feet. It is known that in extreme cases agriculture may succeed in conquering slopes of as much as 45 degrees.

Economic Factors


Image result for market Relation to market generally determines the character of farming, for the cost of transport to the market will generally affect the competitive power of the agricultural output. Places away from the market will generally grow such things which can afford the cost of transport to the market.

Places near large centers of population generally develop market gardening and produce easily perishable goods which can be transported to the market for short distances without much damage.

Transportation Facilities:

In commercial type of farming transportation facilities play a significant role. Indeed they determine its genus. In regions far flung from markets and ill-equipped with transportation facilities commercial farming is a remote possi­bility. The term ‘truck farming’ bears the unmistakable influence of transportation facilities on agriculture.

The economic history of the world records the changes in agriculture patterns as induced by transportation facilities. Improvements in the realm of transportation and communication have rendered possible regional specialisation and thus made feasible fuller utilisation of the peculiar features of the specific soils and climates.


Labour supply determines the character of agriculture. Intensive agriculture is essentially labour-intensive and exemplifies the human pressure on land.

Agriculture requires skilled labour that can appreciate the subtle relations of seasons and soils with crops and adopt the requisite cultural practices. Again, it is the supply of agricultural labour that determines the timely sowing, harvesting and other cultural practices and ensures good returns.


The modern mechanised farming has become capital-intensive to a large extent. The occidental farmer has to invest large amount of capital in agriculture because he has to buy agricultural machinery and chemical fertilizers. 

Social Factors

Social factors affect farming in a number of ways. The type of farming practiced, be it shifting cultivation, subsistence farming, extensive cereal cultivation or mixed farming, etc., is always related to regional social structure. Social factors can also affect the type of crops that are grown.

These factors are more effective in tribal cultures. Another way in which social factors can affect agriculture is in the ownership and inheritance of land. In many parts of the world the land of a father is divided between his children. This leads to the breaking up of already small farms into smaller units which are often uneconomic to farm, as in case of India.

Political Factors

Political factors also play a vital role in agricultural development. The political system, i.e., capitalistic, communist or socialistic system determines the pattern of agriculture. For example in China, agriculture is fully controlled by government; similar was the case of former USSR. On the other hand, in USA, Canada and in most of the other countries of the world, agriculture is a private concern.

The government policies regarding land, irrigation, marketing and trade, etc., have a direct impact on agriculture. Similarly, subsidies, loan policy, purchase policies, agricultural marketing and international trade and tax policy of the government also have a direct impact on agricultural production and its development.

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