Overgrazing occurs when plants are exposed to
intensive grazing for extended periods of time, or without sufficient
recovery periods. It can be caused by either livestock in poorly managed
agricultural applications, game reserves, or nature reserves.
Causes Of Overgrazing
Overgrazing occurs when too much green
material is repeatedly removed from a plant and it does not have
sufficient leaf mass to regrow. Residual plant matter is needed to hold
the soil and prevent erosion by water or wind. Overgrazed rangeland is
often characterized by an increase in weeds or unpalatable plants,
increased soil erosion, and a decrease in the biomass of important
forage plants. Rangelands typically receive less precipitation than more
productive farmland, and have few or low growing plants which shouldn't
be confused with an overgrazed site. Overgrazing should not be confused
with overstocking. Overstocking is when a site is heavily stocked with
more animals than the site could support for a grazing season, such as
is often the case with targeted grazing. However, poor management
coupled with overstocking can severely degrade a site.
Effects of Overgrazing
(i) Land Degradation:
Overgrazing removes the vegetal
cover over the soil and the exposed soil gets compacted due to which
the operative soil depth declines. So the roots cannot go much deep into
the soil and adequate soil moisture is not available.
recycling also declines in the ecosystem because not enough detritus or
litter remains on the soil to be decomposed. The humus, content of the
soil decreases and overgrazing leads to organically poor, dry, compacted
Due to trampling by cattle the soil loses infiltration
capacity, which reduces percolation of water into the soil and as a
result of this more water gets lost from the ecosystem along with
surface run off. Thus overgrazing leads to multiple actions resulting in
loss of soil structure, hydraulic conductivity and soil fertility.
(ii) Soil Erosion:

(iii) Loss of Useful Species:

When the livestock
graze upon them heavily, even the root stocks which carry the reserve
food or regeneration get destroyed. Now some other species appear in
their place. These secondary species are hardier and are less nutritive
in nature. Some livestock keep on overgrazing these species also.

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